Underwater Treadmill Therapy
Underwater Treadmill is a unique way to exercise your dog. Whether your pet needs to burn off extra energy, burn off extra calories, or recover from injury, the buoyancy of the water combined with it's resistance and hydrostatic effects make it a gentle, yet physically demanding work out.
A unique benefit of the exercise form is that it can help to train dogs to walk in a more "ergonomic" and comfortable way after injury. Many dogs will do better following spinal surgery, or limb surgery, if they spend an appropriate amount of time exercising in an underwater treadmill.
Just as swimming and walking are very different exercises, so are swimming and treadmill walking. Swimming is a great exercise for burning calories and increasing the extension of the front limbs of the dog. Underwater treadmill is a great exercise for increasing the range of motion of the hind limbs, as well as being able to walk more slowly against resistance.
Clean, warm, filtered water helps your dog's muscles, ligaments and tendons stretch and work to their best capacity. Your pet will be carefully monitored by our trained staff to ensure that they receive maximum benefit from their experience in our treadmill.
We are excited to bring this novel exercise experience to the pets of the Fraser Valley! Do you have questions if this form of exercise could benefit your pet? Please give us a call to find out if it would be suitable for your pet. Call: 6044251900 or reach out to us on our Contact page.
Examples of excellent uses of this mode of exercise include: arthritic pets, pets that need to burn extra calories or energy, and pets recovering from orthopedic (ACL, fracture repairs, OCD), and neurological injuries (ventral slot, IVDD, FCE).
A unique benefit of the exercise form is that it can help to train dogs to walk in a more "ergonomic" and comfortable way after injury. Many dogs will do better following spinal surgery, or limb surgery, if they spend an appropriate amount of time exercising in an underwater treadmill.
Just as swimming and walking are very different exercises, so are swimming and treadmill walking. Swimming is a great exercise for burning calories and increasing the extension of the front limbs of the dog. Underwater treadmill is a great exercise for increasing the range of motion of the hind limbs, as well as being able to walk more slowly against resistance.
Clean, warm, filtered water helps your dog's muscles, ligaments and tendons stretch and work to their best capacity. Your pet will be carefully monitored by our trained staff to ensure that they receive maximum benefit from their experience in our treadmill.
We are excited to bring this novel exercise experience to the pets of the Fraser Valley! Do you have questions if this form of exercise could benefit your pet? Please give us a call to find out if it would be suitable for your pet. Call: 6044251900 or reach out to us on our Contact page.
Examples of excellent uses of this mode of exercise include: arthritic pets, pets that need to burn extra calories or energy, and pets recovering from orthopedic (ACL, fracture repairs, OCD), and neurological injuries (ventral slot, IVDD, FCE).